Brand Marketing Support

You’ve got your marketing strategy nailed, understand what channels are going to deliver, and know exactly what you need to be doing. 

The problem? You don’t have the time or resources to do it. The solution? The Doers.  

We’ll do the doing so you can get back to running your business.

How can our Marketing Support help you?

Marketing requires a lot of manpower. You might have an existing marketing team in place who are being pulled in lots of directions. You may be attempting to squeeze your marketing into your day job when its not really your skillset. Or you may be working with multiple contractors who each require a substantial amount of your time to manage.

That’s where we come in.

Say goodbye to marketing being a thorn in your side. We’ll take your marketing strategy and bring in the right Doers from our network to get your strategy off the ground. It might be one Doer, or it might be many. The perk? We manage the whole thing for you (you can be as hands-on or as hands-off as you want to be). One point of contact. One invoice. Simple.

You get:

To sit back and get on with what you do best, knowing your marketing is in safe hands

Your time is precious. It’s unlikely that you’ve got enough of it to implement your strategy yourself, or else you wouldn’t be here. We make sure that you buy yourself some breathing room to get on with all the other things on your to do list. All in the knowledge that your marketing strategy is being well taken care of.

A tried-and-tested team with a wealth of experience to implement your marketing

Our freelancers have worked on it all - big brands, corporations, startups, their own businesses, SMEs and everything in between. The knowledge and experience they’ve gained from their career paths are applied to the work they do for you. The most affordable way to work with highly experienced people.

Your marketing strategy put into play and fully project managed to boot

It’s all very well having a marketing strategy but if you’ve not go the time to oversee making it happen, it’s a wasted exercise - we’ll make sure this doesn’t happen. We’ll get everything set up and running within your budget and timeline, and we’ll keep you informed every step of the way. Our way of working allows you to be as involved as you want to be with the day-to-day.

Katie Tait, Director of Communications, Maggie’s 

"I cannot recommend The Doers highly enough. On several occasions in the last six months we have had critical projects to manage that have fallen outside of our day-to-day work and we have been able to pass them over to The Doers knowing that they will be carried out professionally, efficiently and to an extremely high standard. From writing briefs for an event, to strategic marketing proposals, a high level media pitch or talking to external supporters, each and every time we have been delighted with the results".

Marketing Support FAQs

  • How long is a piece of string. Price for marketing support is dependent on what specific marketing support is required and the time it’ll take to complete. We charge on deliverables instead of day rates to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. We do ask that you’re upfront with us about the budgets you have to play with. We will always help you find a solution that works within they money you have available to spend.

  • Sometimes. We get that you may well have a marketing strategy in existence already or have previously invested in having this done by another marketing team. Whilst this will largely be enough, we sometimes find that the strategies shared with us are generic, miss essential channels and fail to look at what’s really working. We’ll discuss this with you upfront. We need to be aligned with the strategy in place in order to work at our best.

  • We’ve created a page to tell you just that. Head here to find out more.

  • With our team spread out across the country, we work remotely and are advocates for flexible working for clients and Doers alike. If you require us to come to you for meetings or to work in-office on specific days, there’ll be an additional fee incurred. You can contact us here to discuss.

  • Absolutely. The benefit of working with us is that we manage the team for you and similarly, by managing clients on their behalf, we strip back admin time for our Doers to give them more time to get on and do. That being said, nobody is hidden from you. All active Doers are introduced to you on a kick off call from day one and when required, we can put you in touch with them to liaise directly.

  • Name a marketing discipline and we have a freelancer who does it. Click here to check out what we do.

  • We’re always on the hunt for new skillsets and experience to join us. Click here to apply.

Nancy Gouldstone, Founder of Nancy Gouldstone Architects

“The Doers helped me resolve my branding, figure out how I wanted to structure my website and generally formulated a clear road map towards creating my website from scratch. Their experience in navigating the route from an initial vague idea to a fully resolved website was really useful. They tackled everything from the technical aspects, like linking my website domain to the new host, to recommending a suitable Squarespace template and taking my text and creating copy for me to comment and reflect on. I liked the clear structure of their process which was transparent and logical. I had spent months going around in circles on my own and with them the whole process from start to finish only took a few months to create a resolved, professional website that properly represented my architecture practice”.